5 Marketing Techniques Every Small Business Should Try

To build a successful brand, you must make sure you are connecting with potential and current customers. Do you need some fresh ideas on how you can effectively reach your audience this year? Take a look at these five marketing techniques that could help grow your small business.

  1. Blog commenting

Of course, the overall goal of marketing is to make your brand as well known as possible. One of the easiest ways to do this is to set aside some time to scroll through and comment on blogs. The best place to start is to identify the top five blogs in your niche. Then, read and comment on those blogs on a regular basis. Over time, more and more people will see your name and brand and, hopefully, become curious about it.

  1. Guest blog

If your business has found blogging to be effective, you’ll be glad to hear that guest blogging is even better. Guest blogging allows your brand to post an article on another blog – instantly gaining that blog’s audience. Minus the time you spend creating the content, guest blogs are free. You simply craft an awesome piece that appeals to the blog’s audience. If you’re lucky, your business might even be invited back to contribute more. The advantages for your brand are referral traffic, leads and customers that keep coming long after the blog has been shared.

  1. Cross-promotion

One very effective method of marketing many small businesses are utilizing is cross-promotion. Cross-promotion allows you to partner with related businesses who can market your services. Typically, this is in exchange for your brand marketing their services. In short, it’s a win-win arrangement that simply involves a signed document and a quick conversation.

  1. Webinars

With more and more consumers using their smartphones to research, shop, browse and be entertained, webinars are a great way to introduce your brand. It also places your product or service in front of a wider audience. The more attractive the topic you have to share, the more interest you’ll attract. Keep in mind, planning a webinar does take time; you will have to brainstorm topics, plan and spread to word.

  1. User-generated content

When it comes to reaching your audience, marketing today is all about content. Content marketing has proven to be incredibly effective for inbound marketing. For a small business, however, costs for content marketing can quickly add up. The secret to keeping costs low is to incorporate user-generated content. Motivate your existing customers to tell their own story and write content to share. It will not only be engaging, but fans will be creating content and sharing it for you.

Creating and promoting content costs money. If you need extra cash to make your marketing goals a reality, be sure to checkout a merchant loan. Alternative lenders offer very flexible funding options for small businesses that can provide the quick cash you need to get started.

Author Bio: As the FAM account executive, Michael Hollis has funded millions by using merchant loan solutions. His experience and extensive knowledge of the industry has made him finance expert at First American Merchant.